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“Eruvin are the responsibility of the local rav. No rav equals no eruv. This is an old criteria.”
Just like all hechsherim if there is no rav then there is no hechsher. What are you adding.

“And it is close to the core of the Brooklyn Eruv as can be demonstrated by the original need for the Boro Park Eruv.”

“I first heard of the eruvin vaad from Rav Tuvya’s talmidim.”
Fiction. There was no such vaad, and you never heard it from anyone.

“Rav Moshe was very serious about Brooklyn and all his contemporaries admitted that is what he held. Nobody is impressed that you can read a loophole into his shittah.”
It is not a loophole. Rav Moshe, was mechudash, hence if we can find an avenue why he would allow, no one has a right to object. Do not add to his chiddushim to osser eruvin, you definitely do not have a right to do so.
No one has a right to force the world to follow a self admitted mechudash shita, no matter how great the posek is. How much more so that it was based on misinformation. Moreover, he never issues a psak din barrur for Brooklyn.

” It’s not Rav Moshe’s way to force an issue, yet he did that with Brooklyn <strentgh>more<strentgh> than Manhattan.”
Gibberish, you have not learnt many of his teshuvos.

“I’m not starting with Rav Moshe’s teshuvah.”
Because you do not know them.