Reply To: RCA Statement Regarding Chabad Messianism

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@sechel83 Did you really just say that “probably only Chabad ever heard of the Zohar”? I’m sorry, you’ve had some “out there” takes on this thread, but that one probably clinches it. So before we continue, let’s enumerate:

  • Litvaks don’t just learn Litvishe Torah, so they don’t have a derech. Chabad is better since they only learn Chabad Torah and ignore everything else
  • No idea who Rav Shamshon Refoel Hirsch ZT”L and Rav Ezriel Hildesheimer ZT”L were
  • Likutei Sichos is as important to learn as Gemara
  • Lubavitchers don’t need a living leader since every possible halacha or hashkafa question can be answered from reading Chabad seforim
  • All of Lubavitch believe that the last Rebbe ZT”L can be Moshiach
  • Only Chabad knows what the Zohar is

I would like you to address at least some of these before continuing.

Regarding Techiyas HaMeisim, I don’t know all the details, but numerous Rebbeim of mine quoted numerous Gedolei HaDor in stating that the idea that Moshiach is a dead man who will rise again is not a Jewish concept and possibly apikorsus. This isn’t some hot take, it’s the prevailing opinion of the frum world.