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For all I know no one reads my posts, but in case some do, and they’re wondering why I am so vehemently against Lubavich, I’ll explain myself.

I’m all in favor of Chabad Houses offering meals and services to tourists and the like, but the Lubavich hashkofah in all other areas is IMHO very dangerous.

They disparage all other frum streams, especially “snags”, and they blatantly misinterpret Chazal, Rishonim and Acharonim to suit their views. I don’t care if they don’t eat Seudah Shlishis and they don’t sleep in the sukkah. Lots of streams have their own “strange” minhogim. But when they say that they are doing it better than anyone else despite the fact that in Shulchan Aruch it says otherwise, they pose a danger to Torah society.

There are other major issues with them, but a public forum is not necessarily the proper venue to discuss those issues והמבין יבין.