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Ortho, the ruzhiner returning as moshiach is in line with the abarbanel, that moshiach can come from those who rise up by techias hamaysim. So the two things can happen at the same time; that’s really not a chidush, and i don’t care that Dr Berger supposedly admitted that this was in line with chabad messianic ideology.

Rizhiner chasidim did not say that the rebbe was moshiach, began his mission, and will return to complete it. That is a foreign concept. They’re also careful to say that it will happen the same day, because this does not contradict the rambam and ramban.

But I’m assuming you’re factual in your quoting; you’ve already misquoted rav Moshe as giving a haskama to a sefer claiming that the Lubavitcher rebbe was moshiach, and then you admitted that the sefer was just chidushim on the rambam, and that the author wrote those words in another book. So you’ve already weakened your source credibility.

I say this mainly to messianic posters here because time and again, i look up things only to find that they’re totally missing or wrenched out of context(see the thread about tzedaka supposedly being bigger than learning from an impassionef messianic) i just don’t have the time and resources to debunk every single claim made, but “just as there’s nothing in these, there’s nothing in those”

So please quote where rizhiner/sadigerer chasidim say this. I don’t buy it. The rizhiner was the bechinah of Rebbe Yehuda Hanasi, as known; his avodah was Torah ugdulah bemakom echad…he used to wear golden shoes with no bottoms, so as not to benefit. He raised his pinky when he was about to be niftar, just as rabbeinu hakodosh, and swore that he never benefitted from this world with even his small finger.

If any gadol was moshiach oriented, it was him; he showed malchus. Much more than the Lubavitcher rebbe did, much, much more.