Reply To: Problem with Melech HaMashiach from the Dead

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yankel berel

Chabad people are wonderful . and I mean it . The can do attitude . The genuineness. The Chesed . The acceptance . The non judgement. The Simcha. The kiruv. The Mesirat Nefesh.
Does that mean we should turn deaf and blind when it comes to their theology ?
They are our brothers . We should help them when in need , no less than any other yid.
Does that mean that we are going to have to accept as truth anything they happen to be claiming as the yiddishe theology, just because they are brothers ?
And if we don’t , does that mean we are lacking in mentshlichkeit ?
In my opinion at least , if you spearhead a movement , clearly in theology at odds with the rest of klal yisrael [no other part of klal yisrael champions mashiach from the dead like them] ,and at odds with what they themselves were proclaiming for years , its only fair to expect , anticipate and therefore accept , that you are opening yourself up to genuine and open examination of your shitot , their roots ,their essence and their consequences . That should all be part of the game .
And that as grownups, they should be able to hear any legit taanot and formulate to-the -point responses head on ,without hiding behind the screen of lack of mentshlichkeit or change of topic or other tactics .
Or not ?