Reply To: Should Israel reduce its massive affirmative action for Arabs?

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Israeli policy is to try to gain the support for those Arabs who choose to support Israel in its war against the Palestinians (and their allies, at this point that means the Syrians and the Iranians, with most other Arabs states being neutral). In practice, it means those Arabs who don’t want an “Islamic” state, are good candidates for recruiting. That is why you have found Arabs holding significant positions in Israel government (e.g commander of the Golani, jude of the Supreme Court, etc.–jobs that are closed to hareidim), and that most Arab countries are no longer supporting the Palestinians.

Given that the zionists reject a policy of turning the medinah into a Jewish (i.e. Torah-based, run according to halacha) political entity, which would solve all their problems – it makes sense for them to have “affirmative action” to enlist as many Arab allies as possible.