Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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Ujm, i mentioned this in passing but it needs to be explained in detail; chabad does not have the safeguards that other chasidusen have.

First, all chasidishe groups have kollelim. Most learn for a year after marriage and a good 20% learn for several years before going to work…could be it’s much more, but that’s the impression i get and can see from the sheer amount of kollelim. That sets the tone for a community, and the satmar rov saw that from rav aharon. He wasn’t ashamed to learn from others.

Another important safeguard is that they keep outsiders out. They protect their people; they spend the whole day with other yidden, speak Yiddish, and don’t read anything goyishe. Lubavitch is much more open to outside media(once they leave the yeshivos), their gerim and baalei teshuva bring their pasts with them to a degree, because they bring them into their community and mosdos very early and in large numbers. משא”כ litvishe and other groups, which value more the safety of the community and keep out the bad influences.

When baalei teshuva aren’t ready to dress tznius fully, but go around crown heights that way and identify fully with chabad, send their kids to chabad, etc…do you think that doesn’t affect native chabad women? If she could do it…. there’s a tremendous yatzer hora and seeing others sin makes it more possible for them to follow suit.