Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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“So if the litvishe recognized after the Lubavitcher rebbe that it was necessary, that’s not something to criticize”

He wasn’t criticizing it; he was questioning the historical accuracy of my claim that the yeshivish world was involved in the BT movement first. This is something I had heard, but I can’t find any evidence to back it up, so I retract that statement.

“i realized recently that litvaks and others too look a[t] judaism as groups.”

Don’t even try to start this nonsense. There ARE different groups and different mesoras. Whenever a Lubavitcher starts talking about how there should be no groups, and how it should just be stam yiddishkeit, what you really mean is that you want everyone to be Chabad. Don’t think we’re going to fall for it.

“if you see soome random lubavitcher do something obviously he speaks for the whole lubavitch.”

We’ve given you about a thousand opportunities to disavow the problematic things, yet you do not, so what else are we supposed to conclude? Menachem has been pretty open about which things are mainstream and which aren’t, and I have no reason to doubt him. It’s a migu. If he were going to lie, he would just deny meshichism altogether.

“I know how to checkmate Lubavichers.”

I almost guarantee that you don’t. You surely know you’ll never get them to change their beliefs, so the only way of “winning” with them is to come out looking better to the neutral onlookers, which is also highly unlikely. To the audience, this thread probably looks like a bunch of stuck-up Litvishers getting riled up over nothing (myself included in that). In part because it kind of is, but mostly because 90% of the context is missing for those who aren’t well versed in the frum world.