Reply To: New Brooklyn Eruv: Time to Accept?

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“2) You prattle on about Rav Moshe having wrong info. But Rav Dovid insisted on it and Rav Elyashiv agreed with him. Rav Dovid was alive for the whole controversy. Why didn’t anybody clarify the facts with him? I know the answetr. In thirty years you will be sayinfg that Rav Dovid also would agree. So just shrug off Rav Moshe the same as Rav Dovid. There is no reason to say that Rav Moshe never forbade this exact eruv, because even if he did it would not bother you.”
No you do not know the answer. You are making things up as you go along. Rav Elyashiv said no such thing. He may have agreed to maintain the fact that there was no eruv, because of the Flatbush Rabbanim harassing him, but he did not say a word regarding Boro Park. Rav Moshe clearly was mislead. You continuously throw up ancillary arguments, but can’t answer this fact. I do not care what Rav Dovid says, he can’t argue on his fathers teshuvos. Rav Dovid clearly was being circuitous. This entire argument is also a smokescreen. No one can answer why Rav Dovid would agree that his father would allow Chicago, but not Brooklyn. In fact we can all agree with Rav Dovid’s statement that his father opposed a Flatbush eruv in 1978-79. However, the argument is only if his father was mislead, and if he would allow today. In fact Rav Dovid refused to talk to anyone regarding the current eruv, so no one could clarify anything.