Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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Dear Avira,

This explicit gemara did not say anything about Nevuah. Somehow you quoted it as such. Then you amended it to clearly referring to nevuah, which is not clear at all. And if the reader is not familiar with the concepts of nevuah will never find it anywhere in on the page. The only words are ‘when the last prophets died..’ which is reffering to the last recorded prophets. Nowhere else are they known as the last prophets. And we know from other sources that there where more people who attained prophecy in their day. Yet only these three are ever called ‘the last prophets’.

“Nevuah is ko amar Hashem. The words of Hashem communicated to a person. Ruach hakodesh is either what Hashem puts into your head, or being mechaven to the emes in learning.”

I have not yet attained prophecy or anything like it. Have you? How do you know these things? The Rishonim debated these meanings strongly. Nevuah is understood as being behind the words. The words are from the Navi themself. With some exceptions, where exact words may have been given. Ruach Hakodesh and Bas Kol are used at the will of the prophet. As is found in the Gemara you quoted is. I find your use of Ko Amar Hashem in this conversation to be very odd.

I laid out the sources for you…….