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>>> The Gemara quotes an Amora who said that he doesn’t want to be alive when Moshiach comes. Now that makes sense if we accept the … Pshat that very few Jews will actually be redeemed. But according to the new and improved version, it’s gonna be party central … So why would that Amora not want to see that halcyon period?
Why would some amoraim not want to see the Geula?
Hmm… Great question!
Why don’t you check what the Gemara answers (instead of giving your own answers)!?
[Until now I thought that it’s only the Rebbe who you take out of context without checking what he explains. Now I see that you do the same with Gemara!]
The Gemara says it was because he was afraid of the suffering that comes with chevlei Moshiach.
I don’t know where you made your connection.
Once we’re on the topic of this Gemara, it’s important to mention that this opinion (of Ulah and Rabba) is not the only opinion. Rav Yosef argued with them, he said let Moshiach come despite any suffering.
Who is the halacha like? Every single Jew, even the greatest sinner, is obligated to await and yearn for Moshiach at every single moment of the day. If a Yid says that he doesn’t wish to see Moshiach, he is a kofer in Torah Shebiksav and Shebaal Peh, as the Rambam writes:
כל מי שאינו מאמין בו או אינו מחכה לביאתו, לא בשאר הנביאים בלבד הוא כופר, אלא בתורה ובמשה רבינו
This is also part of the Ani Maamin (indeed, not written by the Rambam) – אחכה לו בכל יום שיבוא
Every single Yid is obligated to proclaim three times a (week)day לשועתך קוינו כל היום – “We hope for your salvation (through Melech Hamoshiach – צמח דוד עבדך) ALL DAY LONG.”
And in that zechus we ask for Moshiach to come SPEEDILY (מהרה תצמיח, כי…). See Chida.
Even on Shabbos, we say ותחזינה ענינו בשובך לציון – May OUR OWN eyes see the return of the Shechina with the Geula.
You may ask, how can I call someone a kofer for following the view of some amoraim in the Gemara?
The answer is, we see precedent: R’ Hillel said אין להם משיח לישראל אלא הקב”ה גואלם – Yidden lost their chance to have a human Moshiach, and instead Hashem will redeem us. Others argue with him.
The Chasam Sofer writes in his teshuvos that since we don’t hold like R’ Hillel, כל האומר כרבי הלל הוא כופר בכלל התורה – anyone who says like R’ Hillel is a kofer in a foundation of Torah.