Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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“The Rebbe’s encyclopedic knowledge, near photographic memory, and lighting-fast wit, enabled him to validate himself with sources in seconds. If this was your main issue and you discovered the secret concept of learning to better understand, and had you gone to The Rebbe and asked for sources – he would have given you a dozen sources for every point in one minute.”

n0m, I’m sure you believe the above, but I saw and heard the Lubavicher rebbe live and I never found that he demonstrated the above.

“Encyclopedic knowledge” – he prepared his sichos (I heard this from informed fully-fledged Lubavich sources decades ago). Unlike most other rebbes who spend a majority of their time dealing with askonim on inyonei tzibbur and and regular supplicants, the Lubavicher rebbe sat in his room by himself most of the day. It makes sense that he prepared his sichos. (Btw the same sources said to me that he did not prepare his maamorim because they came directly min Hashomayim when he said them. So you can see that my sources were true believers.) And he had an entire team searching for sources when they wrote and published the sichos. So I don’t see that he necessarily had encyclopedic knowledge.

“Near photographic memory” – only near? Or perhaps some of the photographs were not developed clearly. Anyhow, on what basis do you make that claim?

“Lighning-fast wit” – really? I heard him speak many times and he was ponderous and repetetive. He could make the occasional witticism, but to label his wit as lightning-fast?! That’s debatable. (I say debatable because I say it wasn’t and you’ll continue to say it was.)