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@qwerty613, that’s exactly my point, that reb Moshe and all the rest of the gedolim didn’t have an issue with the statement because they knew Gemara , Zohar etc, so from 1962 (when it was printed) no one had an issue till some am haaratzim that don’t know the above seforim saw the sicha and think it’s a”z ch”v

if you know what rav Moshe would say, why don’t you take his place as a gadol hador. You’re trying to say that rav Moshe being the “unquestioned gadol hador” till he passed away would let such a big movement as chabad start serving a”z and be mikarev thousands and thousands of Jews to this beleife, and he was afraid to speak up? He didn’t know of the sicha? He definitely knew about it, there were misnagdim then also who spoke about it and definitely people brought it to him. And if not well being the gadol hador, it’s definitely his achrayos to know what’s going on in chabad. So my conclusion is that he knew and had no issue (cuz as the Rebbe brings it’s a clear yerushalmi and a Zohar) and later on people like berger who don’t know yerushalmi and Zohar decided it’s kefira. Btw even today who even accepts the anti chabad movement, seems like it’s only some talmidim of rav shach, and even those, it doesn’t seem like they really care because if they thought chabad was a”z, they have a mitzvah to uproot it, I think it’s just politics.