Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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Nom, did they put rav elchanan in cherem for calling him a rasha?

Rabbi yoshe ber soloveitchik openly said(it’s recorded) that he wasn’t impressed with rabbi kooks learning, also.

Mdd, i didn’t say that the chazon ish was talking about frei people. I said that society changed and the majority were frei, which leads to a situation where temptation is more rampant for a frum person; he is influenced by the frei surroundings and the debased culture(kal vechomer today). He also said that we ourselves lack the ability to give tochacha, largely because of the above and because of yeridas hadoros.

He doesn’t say that there’s no din of mechalel shabis befarhesys vis a vid stam yainom etc… actually, he was machmir on such things…in maysoh ish, a story is related about a chavrusa he had who questioned the pashut meaning of a chazal; the chazon ish tolf him “next time you come, don’t bring wine” because his hashkofos made it stam yainom.

He was talking about other inyonim, but was not matir any isurim.