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To cs the Tanya doesn’t mean part of Hashem himself it means a part of אצילות as it itself explaines.other Sforim both חב״ד and others do go further and say that בשורש every נשמה comes from hashem himself meaning that it was once נכלל completely in hashem but once it comes down to this world in a body it’s not נכלל in hashem anymore at the most it could reatain the level of אצילות if he’s a צדיק גמור as it explaines in תניא and could even be נכלל in אור אין סוף but under no circumstance can it be נכלל in hashem himself because hashem can’t be מלובש in a body or in anything גשמיות because that would have an affect on hashem and hashem can’t change. By the way if you look in תניא פרק ב׳ he brings from the אריז״ל that hashem is not even מלובש in רוחניות not even in חכמה דאצילות hashems only מלובש in the highest level of אור אין סוף when it’s still “in him” before it comes out to “shine” on the world. So if the Lubavitcher really meant that only אור אין סוף is מלובש in his גוף that would be one thing however if he meant hashem ממש the way some Lubavitchers explain and when they pray they have in mind hashem the way hes מלובש in mm”s than that’s מינות and ע״ז. Sometimes ספרים say עצמות but it really means אור אין סוף as those ספרים usualy explain.