Reply To: Rabbi Pruzansky and the Israeli Army

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57, I don’t know what made you think that I’m a satmar chossid; don’t believe the myopic modern Orthodox party line of “only satmar was against the state,” or the more corrupt “only satmar was against eretz yisroel,’ where religious zionists conflate a secular, atheist, land worshipping state with the holy land that Hashem promised to us


My rebbeim were not satmar chasidim. Most of the Torah world does not support dismantling the IDF immediately, as this would put jews in danger. I don’t know what the satmar rov held of this issue, but the gedolim mostly agreed that the state should be dismantled peacefully(and with it, the army). Rav shach would daven everyday for the peaceful dismantling of the state. But as long as there is a state, i am not aware of a large amount of gedolim who say that the army needs to be taken apart at the moment.

There are frum soldiers who believe in Hashem running the world; to them, their service is hishtadlus. It’s not a terrible thing to go to the army if one is unable to learn and stays exclusively in a charedi unit. Rav shteinman held of this to an extent