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The bump on the tefillin thread inspired me to bump this one.
R’ Bender has a story in his sefer on Chumash that was amazing.
He was speaking to the father of R’ Moshe Weinberger, who was a Holocaust survivor (R’ Bender always tried to connect with survivors – including my grandparents, whom he had a special relationship with.)
Mr. Weinberger told him the following:
When he had his bar mitzvah, his father gave him a pair of tefillin, and told him, “Always keep them close!”
When the Nazis took them to the camps, he was able to keep his tefillin hidden, and made sure to put them on every morning. The other men lined up for the chance to fulfil the mitzvah, and he gladly allowed as many as possible to put on the tefillin each morning.
One day, there was an outbreak of lice in the camp. The Nazis decided that everyone would have to burn all their belongings – clothes, and everything else. His tefillin were hidden within the small bag he had with his belongings, and he was unable to remove them.
With tears in his eyes, he approached the bonfire with his bag. The guards were watching. He had no choice, and he tossed the bag into the fire.
The next morning, he walked by the place where the fire had been, and decided to see if anything remained. He sifted through some ash, and saw it – miraculously undamaged, there were his tefillin!