Reply To: Question of an ignorant, closed-minded Lubavitcher

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To Menachem Shmei
It took me a while to respond but I had to go back to find the last question I asked you which you never answered. The question was as follows, “In the letter you posted, the Rebbe seemed to be saying that the Nasi Chabad is the Nasi of just Chabad. So how do you explain why most if not all Lubavichers say that the Nasi Chabad is the Nasi of all Jews?” That’s not tbe only question you refused to answer. If you want to see the others look for my checlmates. As for your question that you asked me seven times, I told you after the first time that I have no intention of studying sources that imply or state that a human being is god. The origimal Christiana supported their heresy with verses, you do the same by misapplying Chazal. Checkmate.