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Whether the money came from the USA or whether the money came from unfreezing Iranian assets, the bottom line is that Iran has BILLIONS OF DOLLARS more than it have ten days ago, and where it came from is a theoretical distinction without a practical difference.

The halachot of Pidyon Shevuyim teach that it is wrong to pay excessive ransom, because this gives the kidnappers an incentive to kidnap more people, and hold them hostage for ransom again. ONE BILLION DOLLARS per-person is obviously excessive ransom.

Which is in addition to the fact that a similar number of Iranian prisoners were freed.

“In January, Pew reported that liberal Democrats side with the Palestinians over Israel by a margin of nearly two to one. Conservative Republicans support Israel over the Palestinians by a margin of more than 16 to 1.”

SOURCE: Heeding Dem Warnings by Caroline B. Glick, 2018 May 25 Jewish World Review

Keith Ellison, an anti-Israel Muslim, became Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee by a UNANIMOUS VOICE VOTE of Democratic National Committee members, according to Wikipedia.

“…leading members of the Democratic Party like Keith Ellison and luminaries like Linda Sarsour openly espouse anti-Jewish sentiments and propagate anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, Democrats ignore, whitewash, deny and minimize the significance of the swelling chorus of anti-Semitism within their ranks.”

SOURCE: The peril of Politicized Anti-Semitism by Caroline B. Glick 2018 June 22