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B”H I have been a teacher for over 20 years in various Yeshivos focusing on skills improvement. What I am writing is from advice I give to students and try to apply in my teaching. I cannot be certain that my advice here is relevant to your specific case since it is unclear what skill set needs improvement. But I hope what I write can be somewhat helfpul. B”H we live in an era where many quality works have been published focusing on skills in reading. For Loshon Hamikra a refresher on dikduk is often helpful. Whereas any longtime learner will know the basics, often precise knowledge of בניניים, לשון זכר ונקבה יחיד ורבים, Subject, Verb, Object and recognizing how to detect the שורש makes the difference between “basically getting it” to “precise translation”. I highly recommend “The Guide to Lashon Hakodesh” by Nachman Marcuson, Vol. I & II. Perhaps Volume II which is more advanced will be helpful to the more seasoned students who have not mastered dikduk but know the basics and more.
For Aramaic, besides R. Carmell’s work mentioned earlier in the comments, I recommend “Understanding the Talmud: A Systematic Guide to Talmudic Structure & Methodology” by Rabbi Feigenbaum and Rabbi Frank’s “Practical Talmudic Dictionary”. Both works focus on Gemara structures and keywords, and important skill to smoother Gemara reading. The seasoned student will know a lot, but still might be missing some important vocabulary or precision in what they do know. A search under “Gemara skills” or “Chumash skills” etc. on the internet will also bring up many useful resources. Hatzlacha Rabba!