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I was a teenager when Jimmy Carter was President.

In those years, I read 3 different newspapers every day (from beginning to end), and I also watched television news whenever possible. I remember Jimmy Carter very well.

During the Camp David Peace Negotiations, when Jimmy Carter looked at Anwar Sadat [the leader of Egypt], his face was beaming with happiness and approval, like a teacher looking at his best student.

But when Jimmy Carter looked at the Prime Minister of Israel, his face was overflowing with unhappiness and disapproval, like a teacher looking at his worst student who just causes problems all the time.

In year 1980, when Jimmy Carter lost his attempt to get re-elected, he blamed the Jews, even though 85% of American Jews voted for him in that election.

Only African-Americans claimed a higher percentage who voted for Jimmy Carter.

Since Jews were only 2% of the USA’s population at that time, Jimmy Carter would not have won re-election, even if 100% of Jews voted for him; but that did not stop him from blaming the Jews, which indicates that his accusation was not based on facts or logic.

In year 2006, Jimmy Carter published a book titled:
“Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid” (ISBN 978-0-7432-8502-5)
which helped to spread the false accusation that Israel is an apartheid state.
This was his revenge against Jews,
because “only” 85% of American Jews voted for him.

Somehow the intense racism of Arab nations was never noticed by Jimmy Carter, or the mainstream news media, or the European Union, or the United Nations Organization.

PS: Even Alan Dershowitz has castigated Carter for his anti-Semitism.

Just one quick reminder of how STUPID “President” Jimmy Carter was:

When the value of the USA dollar decreased rapidly because of inflation, Jimmy Carter “solved” the problem by ordering the government to print two-dollar-bills; either for the first time in USA history (or maybe the first time since the late-1700s).