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Menachem Shmei

my grandmothers public school class picture in Poland has the priest in the picture and lets go back a few centuries forced shmad

Exactly. In those years, there was government mandated Christianity and countering that carried many risks.

Nowadays, everything is decided based on popularity. This has nothing to do with religion. People decide their foods, clothing styles, political ideologies, etc. based on billboards, social media and public icons.

This is a terrible unfortunate thing, and it creates a vacuum for millions of Jews who are searching for something to connect to in all of those public icons. If we don’t give them Yiddishkeit, they will grab other things.

we are not in the business to compete with S.

You’re making as if this is a S. thing in order to make it sound more extreme, as if we’re trying to make Chanuka like another religion’s winter holiday.
It obviously has nothing to do.
Sukkah mobiles on Sukkos, Lag Baomer parades, etc.

The culture of Big Macs on billboards did not exist in the heim, and also Jews were much more in touch with their traditions. The ones who left was due to ideological disenchantment.
Now, things are very different.

Let me ask you: Do you feel that even if many Jews would get major chizuk from these icons and feel more in touch with their Yiddishkeit – we still shouldn’t do it since in the alte heim it wasn’t done?

unless Santa is a frum guy like the one in Atlanta