Reply To: If You Were a Goy

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Around two days ago, I encouraged the people in this Coffee Room to look at the world from a different perspective, for a few short moments.

I also encouraged the people in this Coffee Room to be sensitive to the feelings of people who are different from us, for a few short moments.

Sorry to butt in but nothing of the sort was apparent in your post. 

THE RESULT: One person understood me.
Everyone else made personal attacks and false accusations against me.
I was falsely accused of being an apikuris, and falsely accused of being a Jew-hater, and falsely accused of being like Haman.

Even in my worst nightmares, I never suspected that the people in this Coffee Room were so completely close-minded and so utterly small-minded, that looking at the world from a different perspective, or being sensitive to the feelings of people who are different from us, is totally alien to them — So much so, that they cannot even begin to understand those concepts, and misinterpreted those things as attacks against them.

NEVER AGAIN will I encourage the people in this Coffee Room to look at the world from a different perspective, even for a few short moments, because now I know that they are not capable of doing so.

NEVER AGAIN will I encourage the people in this Coffee Room be sensitive to the feelings of people who are different from us, even for a few short moments, because now I know that they are not capable of doing so.

However, I will encourage them to do teshuvah for the unjustified and false accusations that they recently made against me. Obviously, I cannot force anyone to do teshuvah.

But I can remind you that “all of G*D’s ways are midah-keneged-midah” (Talmud, tractate Sanhedrin, page 90A). Therefore, if you do not do teshuvah for the false accusations that you made against me, then G*D will allow other people to make false accusations against you. Ch”v

Sefer Chasidim, chapter 208, teaches that each person is ridiculed for the same thing that he ridiculed others for. For example: “It once happened that a man ridiculed a cross-eyed person, and his children were born that way.”

Sefer Chasidim, chapter 209, teaches that:
“Gentiles never did evil [to Jews] until Jews did it to each other first.
They did not disgrace Torah scholars until they disgraced each other first.”
Additionally, Gentiles only burned Torah books AFTER Jews burned the writings of Rambam.

The point that I am trying to make is that G*D does not allow the Gentiles to make false accusations against Jews, until AFTER Jews make false accusations against each other.

(Sefer Chasidim was written by Rabbi Yehudah HaChasid, who was born in year 1150 of the Common Era and died in year 1217 of the Common Era.)

תלמוד בבלי מסכת סנהדרין דף צ/א
שכל מדותיו של הקדוש ברוך הוא מדה כנגד מדה

ספר חסידים – סימן רח
מעשה באחד שנתלוצץ באחד שהיא רואה הבית והעליה כאחד, ונולדו בניו כך

ספר חסידים – סימן רט
לעולם לא יעשו הערלים רעה, אלא אם כן יעשו ישראל תחילה רעה ביניהם זה לזה

Your post came across as very hateful. Instead of cursing people out, it might benefit you to take a look at your presentation and wonder why you got those responses, and what you could have done differently. Kol tuv.