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yankel berel

Hakatan is trying to knock his [and by extension also all our collective heads] through the wall .
What he does with his own head is his own business , but let him please spare all other yidishe heads ….

His fanatical Shibud to his Shitah Kdosha makes him believe that he can pasken she’elot hamurot mamash ,without a even shred of cognizance of a weighty and bitter reality .

This reality is unambiguous , and it is very clear and very immediate.
If the IDF goes on strike now , or it doesn’t have sufficient weapons to do its job . Or it doesn’t do its job for whatever other reason, it is very likely that Oct 7 will chvsh repeat itself in a multiplied fashion, hoyo lo tihyeh , yishmor hashem veyerachem .

If that does not constitute immediate mass pikuach nefesh , then I am a banana , and hakatan is a cucumber.

Those monsters have to be stopped .
Have to .
Because al pi derech hateva , NO ONE ELSE WILL .

Do we need Siyata dishmaya – for sure .
Im Hashem lo yishmor ir , shav shakad shomer ?
Sure , 100 % !!!

This is alef bet. Pashut kebei’a bekutcha.
I wonder why such dvarim pshutim even need to be written.

We have to do whatever we can ,to save yehudim .
No less than if there would be an earthquake ch’vsh .
We would mobilize . We would write our representatives in government.
Exactly the Same here.