Reply To: infertility issues/the blessing of children

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I saw the history appears to be working again, hopefully permanently this time! I clicked to the end of my posts to see if it went all the way back, and I found this thread, which I posted in over 12 years ago. I think this is the oldest thread I’ve ever bumped!

I just wanted to share something that occurred just a few weeks ago. My twins are now teenagers, and B”H are doing nicely. My wife and I did try to have more children, but sadly, the treatments didn’t work, and we decided that if we were to have more children, it would come straight from Hashem, without any more running to doctors.
So a few weeks ago, on a Shabbos, after the meal, my daughter made a comment to me. She said, “I really wish I had more siblings, especially some younger ones. Why couldn’t you and Mommy have more kids?”
I answered her, “You know that you and your brother are miracles, that the doctors thought wouldn’t happen. Hashem gave us the two of you, and I guess He felt that was all we should have. IY”H when you are married, I hope that you’ll be able to have as many children as you want, without any issues at all!”

That was the end of the conversation. But you know what? Even all these years later, it hurt tremendously. I was fighting back tears after she made her comment. I know it’s not my fault at all, and I’m grateful for what I have, but when my own child, who is a miracle herself, complains about it, it just opens up old wounds.

I can’t imagine the pain of those who were never able to have their own children. If it hurts this much when I have my own kids, how much more do they feel?

Over the years, I’ve urged many people to support Bonei Olam. If you haven’t signed up for their V’Zakeini program, please do so – $1 per week can go a long way! They just sent out a success story a few weeks ago, how a couple, after 24 years of marriage, finally had a baby boy, through this program. They have other fundraisers throughout the year as well.

Let’s make sure that EVERY Jewish couple can hold their own child in their arms. Let’s end the pain that so many couples are feeling.