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Lamm was not a rabbi, he was an apikores, and rightfully called so by his peers who left YU in protest, including rabbi abba bronspiegel.

He didn’t write that math is important because it helps you understand sukkah. He said it’s important because all knowledge is important, and that it is all from his god. And no, you would not be able to make a bracha on math to learn sukkah, because it would be a hechsher mitzvah, upon which brochos cannot be recited.

I read the jachter article. He quotes not “rav henkin,” the gadol hador, but rather his extremely modern grandson, hertzl henkin (need i say more with a name like hertzl?) – the same unqualified “posek” who permits mixing genders and joined the “orthodox” feminists as a scholar in residence. The other posek he quotes is a zionist shu”t sefer, aseh lecha rav, which is full kf other deviant psakim. Then there’s rabbi yoshe ber and his brother – fine, so we have the modern Orthodox rabbis to prove the modern Orthodox perspective? Come on.