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Hakatan_Do you have a source for that quote from Rav Schach? Rav Solovetchick was help in high regard by the American gedolim of his day. This includes Rav Aharon Kotler, Rav Moshe Feinstein, Rav Ruderman, Rav Hutner and Rav Gifter. Even though they disagreed with him on major issues they held him in high regard.

Several gedolim in EY may have used harsher language but for pipsqueaks to say he was not from among the gedolim of the 20th century is playing with fire.

I am curious UJM, do you also speak that way about Bais Shamai?

For those who question Rav Solvetchick on this issue and on nearly every other issue in which he was a daas yaachid, take into consideration the situation at the time. Orthodoxy was in danger of extinction, Conservative and reform Judaism were seen as the future of klal Yisrael, and the secular world was taking a nose dive in morals