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Looks like I have a few minutes…

Just to clarify, when I wrote about only lubavitch women having the fire etc, it doesn’t mean that I think there are no women with yiras shomayim outside of Chabad cvs. I have experience mixing with many women outside Chabad, and I guess a good example would be a family friend who never was educated properly with Torah (from that group…) and she is sincere and wants to grow, so she learns a line about Emuna and bitachon daily with a story.

That’s really beautiful and she is sincere, but because she didn’t learn (not because were better by nature cvs) it doesn’t mean she’s not into buying fashion brands, or wouldn’t be tempted by a movie on a airplane say… whereas by learning Chassidus of my own volition, I’m in a completely different headspace. That’s what I’m saying. I have met one person in my city, frum city, so far, outside of lubavitch, that seems to click with me on a yiras shomayim level… She is fascinated by Chassidus- there’s a depth there that she doesn’t have. We mutually respect each other, and we’ve hung out, and are so curious to learn about the other. She asked me why I send my kids to lubavitch school when it’s so far away. I said it’s important that chinuch values at school and home are the same. She said they don’t really have that in the heimish world in her experience- all the Chassidish girls go to school with other frum girls, and make friends based on frumkeit or personality. There’s nothing in their family minhag that makes a difference to their outlook on life. I found that fascinating, but it’s not the first time I’ve heard it.

Regarding the Soviet Union- lubavitch also lost many of its youth to communism. The difference is they were the only Chassidus that were able to maintain organized Yiddishkeit underground for decades. It’s the fire one imbibes from Chassidus…