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CS: Ah that makes more sense. You have all kinds of rough characters in all kreizen. Just because someone is a Lubavitcher, doesn’t mean they’re Chassidish (within lubavitch) and doesn’t mean they’re living past their comfort zone. We all have bechira chofshis- lubavitch or not.

Are you intentionally missing the point? They are official shluchim, and they post pictures which, at times, have shown then doing things that are clearly against Shulchan Aruch (I’m talking about the area of tznius). What does bechira chofshis have to do with it? They should be told to stop or ‘dregistered” from Shlichus. Would you be ok with official shluchim posting pictures of themselves driving on Shabbos? Why is this any different?

<emRegarding the Nevuah point, I’ve never heard misa video shomayim or otherwise discussed by anyone in lubavitch- in either direction. I know there’s a whole section in Rambam discussing Nevuah, but I haven’t learned it in depth, nor do I know if that’s the accepted Halacha lmaase. As I’ve never heard it mentioned within lubavitch, I’m going to leave it at that.

It’s halacha lemaaseh because the Rambam writes it in Mishne Torah, just as the rules for Mashiach are halacha lemaaseh because the Rambam writes them in Mishne Torah. That was always the official Lubavich line. Oh, I forgot. We pick and choose…

Btw, I especially liked “I’m going to leave it at that.” How nice of you.