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Just to respond to the part about Chabad putting down misnagdim:

Firstly, as I’ve been told many times, the Frierdiker Rebbe already said that there are no true misnagdim today. If someone puts down an individual or group of people derogatorily, it’s not coming from Chassidus, it’s coming from that person’s yetzer hara.

That said, we definitely can discuss ideology and the pluses and minuses that result. So, in high school on a Shabbaton one time, I learned a song which displays the difference between amisnagdishe and Chassidishe mindset.

As said there are no true misnagdim today, and obviously not every individual who doesn’t learn Chassidus ends up this way, but this song is discussing what can happen when one lacks what Chassidus gives. As well, The Chassidus mindset part of the song, is what Chassidus expresses, but it doesn’t mean we’re all holding there.

This was one occurrence in my entire education. I actually enjoy the song, as it reminds me of what we’re aspiring to.

There’s also one joke I enjoy- again because it’s about ideology- not anyone in particular.

But in general within Chabad, the stress is on ahavas Yisrael to every yid no matter who or where they’re holding, and I would hope that is what you would feel coming into contact with a Lubavitcher, whether on shlichus or in general.

let’s just say my deletions tell a different story