Reply To: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot]

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Ezra had a nevuah. And where does it say that the rabbonim didn’t listen to Ezra?

All we have to understand anything about Torah is the unbroken chain of mesorah from chazsl, rishonim, achronim and today’s gedolim. Without them we are blind, like tzedukim. Either you accept Torah shebaal peh and tue authority of thw rabbonim or you do don’t – there’s no middle way. It’s either Hashem or the ba’al.

Want to know what would have happened if the yidden would have listened to the zionists and gone to Eretz yisroel in the 30s? The Nazis came within a day of going to yerushalayim. There would have just been a slaughter there instead of in Europe. Because Hashem runs the world and makes decrees.

Do teshuva. If you think there’s some sort of difference between chazals authority in saying that writing or picking a leaf are assur on Shabbos despite it being effortless, and chazals statement that one who belittles the chachamim is a heretic and loses their eternity (because your ilk will repulsively, instinctively say ‘the rabbis are saying you need to listen to them ‘),….think long and hard about the state of your spiritual life, what you watch, look at, listen to, read, and eat. Think about who your friends are. Think about how you learn, if you ever do so, and if you’ve ever been able to go through a maaracha of reb akiva eiger. Think – are you any more spiritually mature than when you were in high school and thought you knew better than your rebbeim?