Reply To: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot]

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The overpowering, extremely intense yatzer hora for idol worship was destroyed by the anshei knesses hagedolah.

The yatzer hora for apikorsus, however, is very strong, and we are told by many tzadikim that it will be an almost insurmountable challenge באחרית הימים.

It is true that the brisker rov and his talmidim did not stress rhe shvuos; they focused more on how twisted nationalism was, the עקירת הדעת that it champions, its “new” jew who is not a galus yid, its high casualties in terms of deaths…

But rav chaim soloveitchik said repeatedly that zionism is indeed avodah zara. Rav elchonon wrote that many times too.

You have a kasha on a gemara – it means that we don’t have a tayvoh to worship sticks and stones anymore, but ee definitely have a tayvoh for zionism, because it’s not worship, but rather apikorsus – we use these terms kind of interchangeabley, but chazal did not. When rav chaim and rav elchonon wrote that zionism is AZ, they mean it is foreign ideas, what we generally call apikorsus, an import from the goyim.