Reply To: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot]

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Correct, NO ONE SAID he was a Navi. the maskana was מסתברא. There is a safek with no clear indication.
In addition, if he was a Navi, wouldn’t it say in Sefer Ezra that Hashem told Ezra to go back? No! It didn’t. Even if he was a Navi, there was no command for Ezra to return B’nai Yisroel to Israel. If there was, every Tanna that lived then defied Hashem by not listening to his Word to Ezra! Is that what you are saying? That Hashem told Ezra to tell B ai Yisroel to return to Israel and no one listened to him, except the people who had yichus issues? Does that make sense?

It shows that Ezra KNEW the time was to return because the kings allowed it. He did not wait for nevu. The opportunity presented itself and he went. It was NOT easy with the people that went also we’re not shomer mitzvous as we learn in Nechemia.

So the opportunity presented itself with today’s Israel and we, as Jews, have an obligation to go to Israel, even if the government is not Shomer Torah. If not, you are no different than the Jews who stayed behind on Mitzrayim and Bavel. edited