Reply To: Shmad in Israel?

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Katan- I think you’re confusing two issues. Are the challenges with being religious in the army? Of course there are, as there is with anything in life. I think that 30% number is a gross exaggeration thougb.

But does that mean it’s shmad? That’s one of the most ridiculous jumps I heard. The army is not trying to destroy religion. In fact, over the past few decades, the army has become more and more Torah friendly. I believe they make sure to have minyanim available for soldiers who want it (at least in the more religious units). They have a mehadrin level of kashrus (as opposed to regular rabanut). In fact, the rule in the ENTIRE army (not just the regular units) is that dairy is not allowed to be served so that they don’t accidentally come to a basar vechalav situation! It’s all pareve or besari.

The army and the state is not trying to destroy Torah. Those accusations are sheker and Motzei sbem ra. But deep down you know why you still spout them… Because the other reasons why Charedim don’t join together in the defense of our people don’t really cut it. So you need to make things up.