Reply To: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot]

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you do not dissapoint
You are now postign comments that you must know not to be true

“Ubiq, do you think the chachamim would have fought the romans when they went to meet them? ”

Yes of coruse, you must have heard of Rabi akiva and Bar Kochaba

“Milchama was a strategy when feasible.”
Yes exactly, as I said

“But did the zionists do the first two options? No – they were like the foolish baryonim who went straight to fighting.”
Again, you cant possibly know so little about Israel history, Balfour declaration was obtained without fighting, There was plenty of Zionist diplomacy

“And during the Holocaust, fighting would have only ensured that no one survived r”l… Look at what happened in Warsaw.”
There were survivors from Warsaw ghetto uprising. there were (almost?) none from Treblinka
You cant possibly not know this but your wrong ideology forces you to cherry pick and even fabricate points

I find it fascinating

Note at no point did I say fighting was ALWAYS the correct approach