Reply To: Refuting the Three Oaths [Gimel Shevuot]

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There is NO gemera that states that today’s Galus is binded by any oaths. I pointed out, numerous times, that the gemara regarding oaths were clearly on Bayis Rishon and no where does it say Bayis Sheni.

In addition, ומסתברא is a term that does not unequivocally mean final. It means a logical conclusion without any evidence. As stated again, even if he was a Navi, no where does it ever say he received Navuah regarding the geula. NO WHERE! You seem to ignore that and just relay on prior prophecy that even Daniel didn’t know when 70 years were over. No where in Navi does it say a date etc. You relay on a lot of assumptions to meet your narrative.

Like I said, you staying behind is no difference than all the other gedolim that were wrong. The Meraglim were also the great of their generation and were wrong. By not seeing the hand of Hashem sis denying everything he is doing because it doesn’t fit your narrative. Like the millions of Jews in Egypt that volunteered to remain behind because after all the miracles, they still felt it was not time.