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Some random places which can help define a Talmid Chacham:

Bava Basra 22: Rav Dimi tries to use a privilege for a T’Ch to sell his figs on the local market (I think because he is out of town, only locals who pay taxes are allowed otherwise?) – but fails a test posed by R Ada b Aba sent by Resh Galuta. And some controversy about it …

Seem to have several ideas here:
– T’Chacham privileges relate to not paying taxes (i.e. OOT T’Ch is considered as a local, and the latter is defined as paying taxes).
– T’Ch can use this privilege only as he is involved in business, kind of not useful for a f/t kollelnik (or can his wife come to the market while he shteigs?)
– Resh Galuta has a testing system, not judging people by their hattire.
– There is also Rava who did not let some T’Ch to open store in Mehuza so that they learn. Not sure what this leads to.

Bava Basra 9 – butchers deciding to take halocha in their own hands. I recall the conclusion is that a guild is OK to make and enforce their decision (including slashing hides of free-marketeers) – but only if there is no T’Ch in town. So, this defines T’Ch as someone who can wisely establish a commercial policy that resolves tensions between pretty aggressive businessmen (with sharp knives).