Reply To: Superiority

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The word “superior” is not appropriate. It implies that one is better by virtue of something that they did not accomplish. Now in terms of yidden/ainom yehudim, the difference is that of absolute substance…not only are they better in every way spiritually, but they are entirly different, as they have a nefesh elokis, imbued with kedushah.

But among klal yisroel, the differences are more in terms of madregos. A Cohen is on a higher madrega in his creation, but that doesn’t make him superior/better, just like malaachim are higher than people, but people can be “better” and greater than malachim by virtue of their choices.

Hashem loves all yidden (at their base, absent their choices) equally; he created some with a higher level, such as kohanim, and neshomos of “tzadikim” that the Tanya is maarich on, but those people can also become reshoim; they have that choice. And in shomayim, a mamzer who sanctifies himself will be higher than a person born from tzadikim who didn’t do much with his life. He’s “better” but the tzadik might still be on a different madrega in some ways.