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“ As to the tznius issue, sorry sechel, but you are totally wrong. Tznius is one of the MOST important mitzvos for women, and everyone except for MO and Lubavich seems to agree with that. It is certainly far more important than going on mivtzoim or learning chassidus.”

Just to add, The Rebbe said that tznius and tahara is the resting stone of yiras shomayim of women.

Also that it’s the crown midda of the Jewish woman.

Could be sechel is unaware as he focuses on his responsibilities.

Btw lo sosuru… applies to women as well as men, just men have more to do there, just as tznius dress applies to men but women have more.

In many Lubavich high schools there are Tznius curricula taught in school or as extracurricular farbrengens. Every school must have one in todays day, in my opinion