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Dr. Pepper


I haven’t either spoken to Rav Miller Zt”l recently but if he was so against Democrats before Obama pushed them so far to the left I’m confident that he would continue advocating for voting against them. (How much more so after Biden led them off the deep end.)

Hopefully you’ll do תשובה before you reach 120 but if you ח״ו don’t how are you going to explain to השם how you ferociously defended a political party that encourages a relationship that the Torah calls an abomination? Are you going to say “Because of Jan 6th”?

How are you going to explain how you ferociously defended a political party that encourages the slaughter of innocent unborn children so that the mother can go get drunk with her friends and not have to find a babysitter? “Uh, השם- it was because of Jan 6th”?

You may fool some other Loony Libs but השם knows the real reason why you’re throwing Him and the Torah under the bus.

Please think carefully and do תשובה before it’s too late. Keep in mind that the more people here you corrupt the longer it’ll take to fix the damage you created.