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Ujm when I go on mivtzoim I tell him it’s a commandment fro. Hashem, there is letters back and forth about this from rav hunter to the rebbe, you can see for yourself. Anyway as I mentioned מבצע תפילין was indorced by all the gedolim. Rav Moshe etc.
Avirah. The modern yeshivish also consider themselves yeshivish, and who cares, what are labels?
The rebbe said everyone should be involved in shlichus, you don’t need to where a frak to go on shlichus, there are shluchim with bekeshes and shtraimels.
As I said before the alter rebbe said chassidus is for every jew. You can learn chassidus, learn Chitas and rambam, do mivtzoim, go to the ohel, go to 770, and not consider yourself chabad, you can also do none of the above and daven nusach achkenas, and consider yourself chabad. I won’t have an issue, nor does the rebbe or anyone else.
I guess according to you the yeshivish are very concerned about their image, so anyone who doesn’t fit their box they label them modern, in chabad we don’t care .
Btw visiting the yeshiva world news and writing on this coffee room, is against all the litvish gedolim and rabbonim,