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“Zionist state” is a term used by normal frum yidden who believe in the Torah and also not in the idolatry and heresy of Zionism.

Unlike your “Religious Zionist” (which Rav Elchonon Wasserman HY”D labeled as “Idolatry mixed with religion”) propaganda, Hashem has not yet called us back to His palace; that is of course for what frum Jews daven thrice daily: “Teka biShofar gadol….”

It is also gravely forbidden for Jews to emigrate en masse to E”Y (as opposed to small groups/individuals) and it is also forbidden for Jews to take political power there as the Zionists have done, of course. The Zionists have also fought against the Torah and inflicted tremendous harm and damage on Hashem’s children, Klal Yisrael.