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An example I’ve seen of Lubavitchers who, based on solely learning chasidus without fundamentals, come to confusing ideas about basic yiddishkeit is in a simple question – why did Hashem make the world? Every Lubavitcher i know will pipe up and say “because he wanted a dirah batachtonim.”

That’s an esoteric chazal. It is not meant to be the overarching reason, because if taken at face value, it would imply that He was chas veshalom missing something or that He chas veshalom did it for Himself

Rather, the rishonim say that the purpose of creation was a manifestation of Hashem’s attribute of being the ultimate maitiv, Giver. He wanted to bestow upon others as much shlaimus that He himself had, and to do so, others must be created. To attain this shlaimus one must keep the mitzvos and learn Torah. That’s the only way to accomplish this. The place where that shlaimus is granted entirely is Olam haba, for it is created for this purpose.

What i wrote above is the rishonim and expressed clearly in perek 1 of mesilas yeshorim. It’s basic Judaism.

Chazal say lots of other things about Hashem creating the world. Those are to be understood through the lens of the overarching purpose. A dirah batachtonim was in order for US to benefit from the greatness acquired through our discovery and service of Hashem in the lowest form of creation. THAT is the היכי תמצא, the route in which we achieve that shlaimus mentioned above. Malaachim cannot do this, only we can, because we were created to experience that shlaimus that is the result of our own efforts and avodah – batachtonim. It is out of fiery love of Hashem that we desire to make this abode for Hashem here, in this world, but it is the chessed Hashem that he made us desire to do so, to achieve our ultimate purpose.