Reply To: what do you think of daf yomi?

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I think people need to go back to עין יעקב, learn אגדה, that was always the way till daf yomi became so easy with an art scroll or shiur that a simple person can convince himelf he’s learning something when in fact he misses most of it .
If he would go to an עין יעקב shiur he would gain much more.
I would advise, don’t learn daf yomi before you completed learning shas properly, than you can use daf yomi for a chazara system.
Or if you have at least an hour a day to learn without any distractions then learn daf yomi (bidochak) and spend another at least 30 min chazering the sugya you’re holding by.
I don’t understand why people learn shas before they even learn chumash Rashi, (tanach I guess there are different views, but one who is learning shas, can also spend שליש learning tanach, (and the Baal hatanya writes after he finishes tanach he should use that שליש to learn Kabalah)
Anyway thru learning rambam one fullfills the mitzvah of learning kol hatorah kulah, witch one does not thrue learning shas (cuz many halachos are not from bavli)