Reply To: Interesting response to the tuition crises.

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Interesting response to the tuition crises. Reply To: Interesting response to the tuition crises.


Is this connected to the Baltimore scholarship initiative where you need to fill out a detailed form of your finances?
I love that idea too. My only crtique is that I think that form leaves out alot. You can’t look at “gross income” in the same way the govt would. You need to look at “net income”. If someone is for example a rebbe and they get free tuition for their boys (or vice versa a teacher in girls school) , plus parsonage and they then receive HUD, WIC, SNAP, Medicad, earned income credits etc. Meanwhile a struggling accountant earning double the rebbe salary on a gross level doesn’t receive those benefits , the accountant is mathematically poorer. To be clear, this is only intended to provide a mathematical view of affordability and not to get into discussions of rebbe salary.