Reply To: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy

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@chaim 87
If I find the sefer, I’ll look at it iyh.
My point is – that by ALL chassidim the chumros and hidurim came as a RESULT of love and fear of hashem – which came from davening in the ways of chassidus, hishkashrus to the rebbe .
It was not the first step. This was like you said the litvishe derech. (I think the chazon ish said, that chumros can BRING to love and fear of hashem)
about shmiras enayim it also talks a drop about it in chabad seforim, (קונטרס העבודה פרק ב) but the focus is to think about hashem, and understand the importance of קבלת עול – which BRINGS to guarding ALL ones senses. And also the long term success in shmiras enayim depends on constantly feeling connected to hashem – see Tanya התשובה, לקותי תורה I forget which maamer, look in the מפתח,
Screaming about how bad it is can actually lead to falling into it ח”ו see below in kitzur sh”u
This that you mention that this was and is the derech of other chassidus, you need to see exactly how often it was mentioned and in the context (like I said you can find it in chabad seforim also just not often) and how they write to deal with it
Btw in kitzur shulchan aruch he writes also how to be careful:

הרוצה לשמור את עצמו מחטא זה, ישמור את פיו מניבול פה, משקרים, מרכילות, מלשון הרע ומליצנות, וכן ישמור את אזנו משמוע דברים כאלו, גם יהא זהיר לקיים נדריו, ולא ירבה בדאגה. וגם יהא זהיר מהרהורים רעים. וקודם שהולך לישן, יעסוק בתורה, או יאמר ד’ מזמורי תהלים הראשונים. ויזהר שלא לישן בחדר יחידי.