Reply To: Does the IDF want Charedim?

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> Those who learn Torah are more qualified for an exemption than any and all of the above.

this is very crum. We had a number of people here voicing their arguments or the rabbis they listen to. The refuseniks include not just lomdei Torah at any reasonable cutoof reason, but anybody who is willing to follow these communities. This is, in effect, catch-22: evil Zs do not listen to our B’D – but if they suddenly listen to us, then everyone will be exempt.

Think, Torah asks us to dedicate 1 day a week fully away from the world. Would it be OK to extend Shabbos by a couple of hours? seems to be OK. How about keep Shabbos 3-4 days a week? Does not make sense, right? This is not what Hashem intended. Same, sheves Levi was exempt, so say 10% of population could be exempt (plus those under 20 and over 60 who can learn full time). So, now about 50% of Israeli Jewish population are shomer shabbos and, B’H, growing. So, distribute this 10% exemption between these whole 50% of population, compensate the rest with college exemptions and establish a strong sheves Levi that is supported by the whole am isroel, instead of current unfortunate bizayon Torah.