Reply To: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel? Reply To: Music Blasting at Philadelphia While Jewish People are at War in Israel?


One of our favorite pastimes is to choose something with vague or no clear parameters & berate people for “going too far” (in our expert opinion).
You had a 7 piece band for your child’s chasuna? That’s totally insensitive. There’s a war going on, a 6 piece band would’ve been more appropriate in the current Matzav & that music the band played, the tempo was a little too fast considering what’s going on in E’Y.
My favorite from a women asking how we can dare eat “Artisanal” bread during the 9 days. Perhaps she should ask every Tanna & Amorah how they dared to eat artisanal bread during the 9 days.
As the saying goes, “Every Yid frummer than me is Meshuga & every Yid less Frum than me is a Goy.”
p.s. Do you think during WWII Yidden in America knowing family in Europe was lost or in dire straits didn’t still celebrate weddings & Bar Mitzvahs with music, dancing & fancy meals?