Reply To: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy Reply To: Chasidus Filling a Void Within Modern Orthodoxy


Sechel: twisting a Gemara to meet your beliefs is likely apikorsis. Following the teachings of pretty much every major Rav outside of Chabad (including major Rabbonim who have paskened l’halachah that a person who believes the Rebbe is Mashiach can’t be counted towards a minyan, and wine they touch must be spilled out) is not.

Lostspark: you’ve been listening to Joseph way too much. The stuff you’re writing is falsehood, plain and simple. As for the club, do some research. There is no club promoting aveiros. There is a club that provides support for people with urges that go against the Torah, who want to still live a frum life – it’s a very tough situation, and they can use all the support they can get. That club is a good thing, and it is overseen by major Rabbonim.

As for the high-end scotch, I suggest you go to Brooklyn, Lakewood, or Toms River – I’ve heard far more discussion in shuls there about whiskey and meat boards than I have in any MO shul. If you think people in those areas don’t want TV or movies, you’re mistaken.