Reply To: Biggest supporter of Torah in the world

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Thank you Rocky.
It is time that we recognize that a framework exists to continue learning torah in depth and service in the IDF. This framework has existed for almost 60 years. It has a proven track record. The existence of eighty Hesder Yeshivot refute all that lies and hand-wringing. These yeshivot exist with the full backing of the court and the rest of the country, and shows that there is no “war against Torah.” The Hesder program combines advanced Talmudic studies with military service in the Israel Defense Forces, within a religious framework. The drop outs (OTD) rate is minuscule, since the talmidim are in a constant framework with their yeshiva.
I would like to suggest that the Charedim set up the own Hesder programs to allow bochurim to remain in their own framework. In the interim, let learn in the existing Hesder programs. together, that is if they can keep up.

The drafting of these bochurim is not part of a war against G-d and Torah. The charedi/army issue has been raging non-stop for years. But this war against the Jewish Nation has brought it to a head. Think about the rest of Am Yisrael what we see – the unfair burden on the non religious, who have to leave their families and jobs and close their businesses to fight the enemy for a much longer time because there are no other troops to defend the Jewish Nation., It an unfair burden on them. To the rest of the religious public who serve with distinction- see the avoidance of service by the chardi public as nothing less then a full-blown Chilul Hashem. There is no excuse – is my blood not the same red? Do I not pray to the Almighty too? Does my learning not count? As some of us sit in Gaza and fight and learn torah with my chavrusa during our short rest from war, what is their real excuse not to serve the Am. May G-d grant us wisdom and peace.